Brothels in Canada - Do they exist?

Prostitution in Canada

As of 2013, prostitution in Canada is legal. This means that between two adults in a private residence, sex can be bought.

However, while prostitution in Canada is legal, it is illegal to rent an apartment and allow others to use it for sex acts and take a commission, as it becomes a brothel.

Therefore, brothels are illegal in Canada.

The emergence of micro-brothels in Canada

Not all have conformed to the wishes of the government, and while brothels are illegal, it hasn't eradicated the concept -- micro brothels have been born, despite technically being illegal. Micro-brothels are typically run out of a private residence and are very difficult to find. They're designed to pack up and move at the slightest hint of being discovered by police officers.

Exotic Massage Parlors 

Searching for brothels in Canada will yield very little results, with the exception of dozens of news articles from 2012 touting that "brothels have been legalized in Ontario".

Some exotic massage parlors may offer some of the perks of brothels, but are not forthcoming on their website. For more information, call the exotic massage parlors directly to learn more about their services.

Exotic and Erotic Massage Parlors in Canada

Here is a list of exotic massage parlors in the Montreal area. (NOTE: Montreal's new mayor is attempting to crack down on exotic massage parlors as of November 2013.)
In Vancouver, try the Platinum Club.

Sources: 1

Closest Brothels to Los Angeles: Sheri's Ranch & Resort

If you're in Los Angeles and want to visit a brothel, the closest you'll find a legal brothel is 4 hours and 20 minutes away, just across the border in Nevada where prostitution is legal.

Located in the town of Pahrump, Nevada, the brothel seeker is given two options: Sheri's Ranch and the Chicken Ranch.

Closest Brothel to Los Angeles: The Resort at Sheri's Ranch
closest brothel to los angeles
via Google
Sheri's Ranch lobby - via Google

Open 24/7, Sheri's Ranch prides itself on being a high-class resort rather than just the standard brothel, providing brothel-goers with numerous additional activities (besides the obvious), including volleyball and tennis courts. There are 6 individually styled VIP bungalows, a decadent menu including steak and lobster. Sheri's is not only a place for the single bachelor, but for couples as well.

Brothel Prices

The cost of Sheri's Ranch varies depending on your palate and appetite. The girls set their individual rates, but to stay overnight in the hotel or themed suite, the prices are very reasonable:

For a hotel room, the cost ranges from $75/night (Sun-Thurs) to $85/night (Fri-Sat). 
For a suite, the cost ranges from $95/night (Sun-Thurs) to $125/night (Fri-Sat).

Brothel Contact Info
10551 Homestead Rd, Pahrump, NV ‎
(866) 820-9100

TIP: Even though you have to veer off the beaten path to go to Pahrump, Las Vegas is still just a short hour away -- you could stopover in Pahrump for a fun evening if need be!

For more information, visit the official website.

What happens at a Brothel?

The standard procedure for visiting a brothel is generally the same:

Arrive at the brothel, where you will be greeted at the door by the lady (or ladies) working that evening. You can either hang out in the lounge and buy a drink to unwind, or you can begin flirting with the ladies immediately.

The ladies will line up, and whichever one you choose will lead you on a "tour" of the brothel, which ultimately will consist of the lady leading you back to her room. There, you will discuss her prices, which usually runs by the hour or half hour.

If a price is agreed upon, she will examine your nether-region for STDs (a requirement at all brothels). And from there... well, you know the rest.

Tips for Going to a Brothel
  • Treat the ladies with respect. Failure to do so will get you kicked out pretty quickly.
  • You must, must, must bring a condom. It is a requirement.
  • It's illegal to discuss prices outside of the lady's room. All transactions are private.
  • If a lady's prices are too high, do not feel obligated: you can leave.
  • Most brothels have websites which sometimes include a detailed "sex menu".
  • Most brothel websites offer specials, printable coupons, calendar events, or photos of the girls.

Brothels in Las Vegas?

While prostitution is legal in some counties in Nevada, prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas or Reno.

The closest brothel to Las Vegas is:

Chicken Ranch brothel, located in Pahrump, Nevada.
The Chicken Ranch brothel is located approximately 58.9 miles west of Las Vegas, and shuttles are available through their website.

Prices at a Brothel

Prices vary depending on the brothel you choose. If it's a flashy, popular brothel such as the Moonlite BunnyRanch where porn stars sometimes work a shift, you could be looking at $200 for an hour minimum (with one of the newer ladies) up to thousands of dollars (for an hour with aforementioned porn star).

If you're attending a smaller brothel, such as Sharon's, prices can be as low as $80/hour.

How much does the house get?

The standard rule of thumb is a 50/50 split: the lady gets approximately 50% of the total rate, while the house gets the other 50%.

Can I pay with a debit card?

Cash is preferred.

List of Low Key Brothels

If you're looking for a quiet brothel where the owner takes a vested interest in learning about each customer, check out the following brothels. Each brothel has a limited number of rooms, and on average, only 2-4 ladies working each night.

Donna's Ranch
Battle Mountain, Nevada

Carlin, Nevada

Carlin, Nevada

Ely, Nevada

Mina, Nevada

Winnemucca, NV