Brothels in Canada - Do they exist?

Prostitution in Canada

As of 2013, prostitution in Canada is legal. This means that between two adults in a private residence, sex can be bought.

However, while prostitution in Canada is legal, it is illegal to rent an apartment and allow others to use it for sex acts and take a commission, as it becomes a brothel.

Therefore, brothels are illegal in Canada.

The emergence of micro-brothels in Canada

Not all have conformed to the wishes of the government, and while brothels are illegal, it hasn't eradicated the concept -- micro brothels have been born, despite technically being illegal. Micro-brothels are typically run out of a private residence and are very difficult to find. They're designed to pack up and move at the slightest hint of being discovered by police officers.

Exotic Massage Parlors 

Searching for brothels in Canada will yield very little results, with the exception of dozens of news articles from 2012 touting that "brothels have been legalized in Ontario".

Some exotic massage parlors may offer some of the perks of brothels, but are not forthcoming on their website. For more information, call the exotic massage parlors directly to learn more about their services.

Exotic and Erotic Massage Parlors in Canada

Here is a list of exotic massage parlors in the Montreal area. (NOTE: Montreal's new mayor is attempting to crack down on exotic massage parlors as of November 2013.)
In Vancouver, try the Platinum Club.

Sources: 1