Closest Brothels to Los Angeles: Sheri's Ranch & Resort

If you're in Los Angeles and want to visit a brothel, the closest you'll find a legal brothel is 4 hours and 20 minutes away, just across the border in Nevada where prostitution is legal.

Located in the town of Pahrump, Nevada, the brothel seeker is given two options: Sheri's Ranch and the Chicken Ranch.

Closest Brothel to Los Angeles: The Resort at Sheri's Ranch
closest brothel to los angeles
via Google
Sheri's Ranch lobby - via Google

Open 24/7, Sheri's Ranch prides itself on being a high-class resort rather than just the standard brothel, providing brothel-goers with numerous additional activities (besides the obvious), including volleyball and tennis courts. There are 6 individually styled VIP bungalows, a decadent menu including steak and lobster. Sheri's is not only a place for the single bachelor, but for couples as well.

Brothel Prices

The cost of Sheri's Ranch varies depending on your palate and appetite. The girls set their individual rates, but to stay overnight in the hotel or themed suite, the prices are very reasonable:

For a hotel room, the cost ranges from $75/night (Sun-Thurs) to $85/night (Fri-Sat). 
For a suite, the cost ranges from $95/night (Sun-Thurs) to $125/night (Fri-Sat).

Brothel Contact Info
10551 Homestead Rd, Pahrump, NV ‎
(866) 820-9100

TIP: Even though you have to veer off the beaten path to go to Pahrump, Las Vegas is still just a short hour away -- you could stopover in Pahrump for a fun evening if need be!

For more information, visit the official website.